Hire WebRTC Developers to Drive Customer Support Success

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Exceptional customer support is essential, and real-time communication technology, such as WebRTC, is at the core of effective customer service. WebRTC (Web Real-time Communication) technology allows seamless, high-quality audio, video, and data sharing across web browsers and mobile devices. To successfully take advantage of the platform, you need skilled developers with WebRTC expertise. You can hire WebRTC developers to revolutionize your customer support operations, enhance the user experience, ensure powerful security, and drive customer support success.

This blog will cover;

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC is an open-source technology available on the internet that provides tools and APIs to developers to design real-time communication applications, including audio/video, instant messaging, and arbitrary file-sharing platforms. Applications like Zoom Meet, Skype, or Microsoft Team use WebRTC to allow users to connect in real time and provide advanced features to enhance the customer experience.

WebRTC technology is used in various fields, including corporate, customer support, IoTs, legal and advisory, telemedicine and remote healthcare, and many more. In this blog, weā€™ll focus on understanding the WebRTC in customer support solutions, how it can help you boost your customer service, and how you can hire a WebRTC developer to design a solution for customer support that aligns with your business.

Understanding the role of WebRTC in customer support

The concept of customer support began with voice call centers in the 1960s. Earlier, customer support was provided using telephones and as the technology advanced, it evolved into omnichannel support. It integrates various communication channels, like VoIP (voice over IP) chat, video, email, and social media.

All the communication in customer support is done in real-time. With evolving and consistent customer expectations for fast and right customer support, technological advancements have enabled the companies to cater to their needs.

WebRTC is the basic framework for such real-time communication. It offers instant messaging, audio and video calls, and file sharing. This has enabled companies to provide quick resolution to their customers, reduce Issue Resolution Time (IRT), and improve Issue Resolution Rates (IRR). Twilio is one of the popular examples of a platform that uses the WebRTC framework to offer its customer service platform, ā€œTwilio Flex.ā€

Now we will figure out who is designing such solutions. WebRTC developers are the software developers who work on the WebRTC framework to develop solutions, like chatbots, voice bots, and audio/video calling.

Who are WebRTC developers?

WebRTC developers are technical professionals who work on WebRTC technology to design real-time communication solutions. They are seasoned WebRTC developers with great experience and skills who can help you develop real-time communication solutions for web and mobile applications that align with your business needs. Here weā€™ll see what characteristics your WebRTC developer must possess for designing real-time communication solutions for customer support. They have strong characteristics that you should look for while choosing a WebRTC developer for your company, like:

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Technology Understanding

They have in-depth knowledge of the technology and understand the WebRTC protocols. The developers have exclusive knowledge of media APIs, like getUserMedia, RTCPeer Connection, and RTCDataChannel. WebRTC developers understand the signaling while establishing real-time connections. They can implement or integrate various signaling protocols, including WebSocket and SIP. Developers have media processing knowledge, like encoding, decoding, and managing the quality of service. They have a great hold on the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) framework, which includes Session Transversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) and Transversal Using Relays Around NAT (TURN) servers.

Support Platforms Experience

The WebRTC developers have knowledge and skill in integrating WebRTC solutions with CRM and ticketing systems, and other support tools. They design user-friendly interfaces to ensure seamless customer support interaction. The experienced developers know how to implement analytics to monitor call quality, user engagement, and other key performance indicators (KPIs).

Real-time Communication Challenges

They have experience dealing with the challenges faced in real-time communication, which makes them proficient in designing advanced solutions. They know ways to minimize latency and optimize media streams for real-time applications. Seasoned developers are skilled enough to deal with network inconsistencies, jitter, packet loss, and adaptive bitrate streaming (when the platform adjusts media streaming quality based on the internet). They know the WebRTC security protocols, like encryption (DTLS/SRTP) and securing signaling channels.

JavaScript Proficiency

Seasoned WebRTC developers are proficient in JavaScript (WebRTC depends on JavaScript, especially for the front end). They have experience with HTML5, CSS3, and front-end frameworks using React, Angular, or Vue.js to create user interfaces for WebRTC apps. They understand backend technologies like Node.js and are skilled at setting up servers for signaling and managing media streams.

Familiarity with Media Codecs

The experienced developers have extensive knowledge about codecs like VP8, VP9, H.264 for video, and Opus G.711 for audio and are skilled at optimizing them based on the used case. They have experience with transcoding, media servers, like Jitsi, Kurento, or Twilio, and handling complex media processing.

Cross-platform Development

They ensure the interoperability of the WebRTC applications across different web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and platforms (desktop and mobile). They have experience with WebRTC on native mobile platforms (iOS and Android).

Latest Communication Technologies

Seasoned WebRTC developers stay updated with the latest advancements in WebRTC, including new APIs, emerging codecs, and best practices in this domain. They have community engagement and have contributed to those communities.

Why do you need WebRTC developers to design real-time communication solutions for customer support?

WebRTC developers have the specialized skills and knowledge to create robust, efficient, and secure communication systems. You need them to ensure that the solution aligns with customer support requirements. You might face significant challenges while designing such solutions if you do not use the expertise of a WebRTC developer. Here are some of the challenges you might face without expertise:

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Technical challenges

WebRTC is a complex strategy; understanding a non-technical person’s protocols, codecs, and network interactions can take time and effort. Ensuring consistent performance of the solution requires deep knowledge of the concept of interoperability of WebRTC. It requires technical expertise to address network challenges, like NAT transversal, firewalls, and network congestion. Implementing features like echo cancelation, noise suppression, and video enhancement is complex and can increase go-to-market time. WebRTC experts understand security best practices and can help protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.

Limited resource

It requires dedicated resources, like a dedicated WebRTC developer, to design an advanced WebRTC solution. Lack of expertise can make the WeBRTC development process time-consuming and expensive. You need the required knowledge and skills and a lack of them can hinder the process, increasing go-to-market time and development costs.

Integration challenges

Developing a WebRTC solution for customer support required specific integration to ensure seamless customer support. Integrating WebRTC with existing customer relationship management (CRM) is a complex process that requires skills. Plan, develop, and integrate WebRTC with other internal systems, like ticketing and knowledge bases.

UI/UX challenges

You need design expertise to ensure a user-friendly interface for video calls and screen sharing. It is critical to have high-quality video and audio experiences under varying network conditions. You need knowledge about adaptive bitrate adaptability to ensure optimized performance.

How can WebRTC developers drive your customer support success?

Creating effective and dependable real-time communication solutions requires expertise and skills. You need technical knowledge to create a solution to avoid development process hiccups. If you donā€™t possess such expertise, you must consider hiring a dedicated WebRTC developer to align your solution with the business. Numerous benefits can help you build a robust real-time communication platform for your customer support. Some of the key advantages are:

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Operational efficiency

With an efficient solution, you can address issues quickly and effectively, and using WebRTC can lower the cost. You can handle multiple customers/queries simultaneously, which improves the efficiency. The WebRTC is a scalable platform, which enables you to handle increasing support volumes.

Improved customer experience

You can enable real-time face-to-face interactions, personalizing experiences, and improving the efficiency of the support experience. Your customer support representatives can guide the customers with visual troubleshooting. They can visually demonstrate the solution with screen-sharing features. Efficient solutions reduce resolution times and improve communication, which leads to high customer satisfaction.

Reports and analytics

You can check your performance metrics. You can record customer-agent interactions, providing valuable data on call durations, resolution times, and customer satisfaction. Using the platform, you can monitor agent performance and identify areas for improvement. The solution gives insights into customer preferences and behavior to optimize support strategies.

Competitive edge

Real-time support on video calls with features like file-sharing and screen-sharing sets your business apart from competitors. A seamless and effective customer support experience can enhance your brand reputation and customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers become repeat customers and advocates for your brand, bringing repeat sales and new customers.

Future-proof solution

WebRTC is a core real-time communication technology that ensures your business stays ahead of the curve. The technology can be integrated with other advanced technologies, like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR), to create innovative support solutions.

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How do I hire WebRTC developers for customer support?

You can consult us if you are looking to hire a dedicated WebRTC expert. Master Software Solutions is an IT service-based company with over 13 years of experience. We have successfully delivered more than 500 projects across various industries. We have been working in WeRTC technology for 6 years now. Schedule your first free consultation call if you want to consult or hire WebRTC developers.